Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I almost broke my own rule!!!

ok SO I have to be totally honest!  I am sitting here, not feeling all that hot and sexy, little drained, tired, ya know the typical mama deal, and so I called my hubbie home from work to stop by the house for a bit.
I thought I would add a little spice and we would pick a date night out of our date box, that usually gives me something to look forward to and get excited about.
So my husband comes home and I reach into the date night box...Do you know what I pulled out?
Do you know what he wrote in there?  Do you know what I am doing this Saturday night?

Freaken Golf Range?????!!!!!!!:0

and so I am schooled in my own game, time to smack on a sexy, sassy, smile and go hit some balls with my man!  

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